I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Enhance your students’ understanding of Jesus’ final week on Earth with this engaging Holy Week Timeline Worksheet. This resource is designed to help children visually organize and recall the key events of Holy Week. By arranging significant moments in chronological order, students will deepen their grasp of these pivotal events and lessons.
Ideal for both printable and digital formats, this worksheet complements the Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation perfectly. It supports visual learning and synthesis of Holy Week events, making it an essential tool for comprehensive religious education.
This is the perfect complement to the Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Holy Week Timeline (Version 01)
Page 2: Holy Week Timeline (Version 02)
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation
Holy Week Reflections Mini Book
Happy Holy Week!
Mejora la comprensión de los estudiantes sobre la última semana de Jesús en la Tierra con esta atractiva hoja de trabajo sobre la Semana Santa (Holy Week in Spanih). Este recurso está diseñado para ayudar a los niños a organizar y recordar visualmente los acontecimientos clave de la Semana Santa. Al ordenar los momentos más importantes en orden cronológico, los niños profundizan su comprensión de estos acontecimientos y lecciones fundamentales.
Ideal tanto para imprimir como en formato digital, esta hoja de trabajo complementa a la perfección la presentación en PowerPoint de la Semana Santa. Favorece el aprendizaje visual y la síntesis de los acontecimientos de la Semana Santa.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Semana Santa Línea de Tiempo (Versión 01)
Página 2: Semana Santa Línea de Tiempo (Versión 02)
★Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
Semana Santa Presentación PowerPoint
Reflexiones de Semana Santa Mini Libro
¡Feliz Semana Santa!
Este minilibro sobre la Semana Santa (Holy Week in Spanish) es un excelente recurso para nuestros estudiantes, ya que da sentido a los últimos días de Jesús y a las lecciones de su vida de una manera reflexiva. Los niños pueden leerlo y relacionar la historia con sus experiencias cotidianas, adquiriendo una comprensión más profunda del verdadero significado de las enseñanzas de Jesús. También incluye un reto de Semana Santa y autorreflexión, lo que permite a los niños comprometerse a nivel personal.
Además, este minilibro es una fantástica actividad para llevar a casa en familia. Ofrece una magnífica oportunidad para que padres e hijos aprendan y discutan juntos. Puedes esperar recibir comentarios fantásticos de las familias que utilicen este recurso.
Este recurso incluye:
Página 1: Semana Santa - Portada
Página 2: Domingo de Ramos
Página 3: Lunes Santo
Página 4: Martes Santo
Página 5: Miércoles Santo
Página 6: Jueves Santo
Página 7: Viernes Santo
Página 8: Sábado Santo
Página 9: Lecciones de vida de Jesús
Página 10: Reto de Semana Santa
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
* Semana Santa Presentación PowerPoint
Semana Santa Línea de Tiempo
¡Feliz Semana Santa!
Make teaching Holy Week easier and more meaningful with this ready-to-use Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation. Provide a comprehensive, reflective, and student-friendly exploration of the key events in Jesus’ final days." This resource offers deep insights into Holy Week, including key moments and the powerful words of Jesus. Perfect for reflection, the slides encourage students to think critically about each event and its relevance to their lives.
Each slide includes thought-provoking questions, designed to help students reflect and engage in meaningful discussions. Ideal for religious education, this resource fosters a deeper understanding of the true meaning of Holy Week and Jesus’ teachings.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: What is Holy Week?
Slide 2: Palm Sunday
Slide 3: Holy Monday
Slide 4: Holy Tuesday
Slide 5: Holy Wednesday / Spy Wednesday
Slide 6: Maundy Thursday
Slide 7: Holy Friday - Part I
Slide 8: Holy Friday - Part II
Slide 9: Holy Saturday
Slide 10: Easter Sunday / Resurrection Sunday
Slide 11: Holy Week Around The World
Slide 12: We Have Learned About …Holy Week
Google Slides
JPG images
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Holy Week Reflections Mini Book
Holy Week Timeline
Happy Holy Week!
Haz que la enseñanza de la Semana Santa (Holy Week in Spanish) sea más fácil y significativa con esta presentación en PowerPoint lista para usar. Proporciona una exploración completa, reflexiva y fácil para los estudiantes de los acontecimientos clave de los últimos días de Jesús. Este recurso ofrece una visión profunda de la Semana Santa, incluidos los momentos clave y las poderosas palabras de Jesús. Perfectas para la reflexión, las diapositivas animan a los estudiantes a pensar críticamente sobre cada acontecimiento y su relevancia para sus vidas.
Cada diapositiva incluye preguntas que invitan a la reflexión, diseñadas para ayudar a los estudiantes a pensar y participar en debates significativos. Ideal para la educación religiosa y en valores, este recurso fomenta una comprensión más profunda del verdadero significado de la Semana Santa y de las enseñanzas de Jesús.
Este recurso incluye:
Diapositiva 1: ¿Qué es la Semana Santa?
Diapositiva 2: Domingo de Ramos
Diapositiva 3: Lunes Santo
Diapositiva 4: Martes Santo
Diapositiva 5: Miércoles Santo / Miércoles Espía
Diapositiva 6: Jueves Santo
Diapositiva 7: Viernes Santo - Parte I
Diapositiva 8: Viernes Santo - Parte II
Diapositiva 9: Sabado Santo
Diapositiva 10: Domingo de Pascua / Domingo de Resurrección
Diapositiva 11: Semana Santa en el Mundo
Diapositiva 12: Hemos aprendido sobre… La Semana Santa
Google Slides
JPG images
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés
Reflexiones de Semana Santa Mini Libro
Semana Santa Línea de Tiempo
¡Feliz Semana Santa!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Holy Week Reflections - Mini Books. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools!
This mini book is an excellent resource for our kids, as it brings meaning to Jesus’ last days and life lessons in a thoughtful way. Children can read it and connect history to their daily experiences, gaining a deeper understanding of the real meaning behind Jesus’ teachings. It also includes a Holy Week challenge and self-reflection, allowing kids to engage on a personal level.
Furthermore, this mini book is a fantastic take-home activity for families. It provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to learn and discuss together. You can expect to receive fantastic feedback from families who use this resource.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: Holy Week Cover (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: Sunday Palm (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: Holy Monday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: Holy Tuesday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: Holy Wednesday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 6: Holy Thursday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 7: Holy Friday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 8: Holy Saturday (English and Spanish Version)
Page 9: Life Lessons from Jesus (English and Spanish Version)
Page 10: Holy Week Challenge (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Holy Week!
Celebrate Holy Week confidently with this engaging packet, which includes a PowerPoint, worksheets, and a timeline craft. It is ideal for presenting and helping children understand the most significant facts and meaning of Holy Week and the words Jesus spoke during his last days on earth. With this packet, you can explore Holy Week, covering all the essential aspects. The design of the materials is thoughtfully adapted to suit the ages and interests of children.
Encourage your students to reflect on and gain a deep understanding of this important event. The activities included in the packet enable children to make connections between history and their daily experiences.
This collection includes the following resources:
Resource 1: Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation
Resource 2: Holy Week Reflections Mini Book
Resource 3: Holy Week Timeline
Happy Holy Week!
Download the Spanish Version
Celebra la Semana Santa (Holy Week in Spanish) con confianza con este atractivo paquete, que incluye una presentación en PowerPoint, hojas de trabajo y una manualidad sobre la línea del tiempo de este evento. Es ideal para presentar y ayudar a los niños a comprender los hechos más significativos y el mensaje de la Semana Santa y las palabras que Jesús pronunció durante sus últimos días en la tierra. Con este paquete, podrá explorar la Semana Santa, cubriendo todos los aspectos esenciales. El diseño de los materiales está cuidadosamente adaptado a las edades e intereses de los niños.
Anima a tus estudiantes a reflexionar y comprender en profundidad este importante acontecimiento. Las actividades permiten a los niños establecer conexiones entre la historia y sus experiencias cotidianas.
Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos:
Recurso 1: Semana Santa Presentación PowerPoint
Recurso 2: Reflexiones de Semana Santa Mini Libro
Recurso 3: Semana Santa Línea de Tiempo
Download the English Version
¡Feliz Semana Santa!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classroom. Make teaching Holy Week easier and more meaningful with this ready-to-use Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation. Provide a comprehensive, reflective, and student-friendly exploration of the key events in Jesus’ final days." This resource offers deep insights into Holy Week, including key moments and the powerful words of Jesus. Perfect for reflection, the slides encourage students to think critically about each event and its relevance to their lives.
Each slide includes thought-provoking questions, designed to help students reflect and engage in meaningful discussions. Ideal for religious education, this resource fosters a deeper understanding of the true meaning of Holy Week and Jesus’ teachings.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: What is Holy Week? (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 2: Palm Sunday (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 3: Holy Monday (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 4: Holy Tuesday (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 5: Holy Wednesday / Spy Wednesday (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 6: Maundy Thursday (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 7: Holy Friday - Part I (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 8: Holy Friday - Part II (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 9: Holy Saturday (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 10: Easter Sunday / Resurrection Sunday (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 11: Holy Week Around The World (English and Spanish Version)
Slide 12: We Have Learned About …Holy Week (English and Spanish Version)
Google Slides
JPG images
Happy Holy Week!